Sunday, May 9, 2010

Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta

I haven’t been able to get on the Internet the last two days.
So here it is, Saturday night and Sunday morning of May 9th and 10th. Yes I am back in Canada – four days to go on my short trip.
Friday night I stayed in Columbia Falls and the night before in Missoula (both in Montana).
The best part of Missoula were the very nice people I met and waking up to beautiful blue skies on Friday: The first in five days!
From Missoula I headed north towards Glacier National Park. On the way I discovered this wonderful place where I found and photographed bison. It was an experience not to be forgotten. I was the only one there (unless you count the bison, antelope and deer).
Passed many small northwestern towns and villages ending up in Columbia Falls on the edge of Glacier National park. While visiting a glacial lake there, I met an Ansel Adams look-a-like (also a photographer) who is on his 75th day of attempting to shoot all the National Parks in the US. He started in Alaska and is determined to complete his quest. He is called Herman and is the bearded guy in one of the attached photos. To offset costs, Herman has slept in his car the entire journey.
First thing this morning it was back to the grey, cold weather, eventually turning to snow…arrghh. I crossed back into Alberta (into even heavier snow - this is May, no?) ending up in the most fantastic place ever: Waterton National Park, Alberta, which is where I am as I write this. I simply cannot describe the pristine beauty of this place, set in the mountainous wilderness. I don’t even mind the snow. As a matter of fact it is beautiful, because right now there is no wind and it is hovering around zero.
We have so much in Canada. I don’t know why I waited so long to discover this place. I am staying here for a couple of days to get some more photographs and will put up some more if I can. In the meantime, I am attaching some images shot over the past several days.


  1. These are great. Can't wait to see moreses. Oscar & I just came back from the doggy park - had a great time, he's dirty, I'm tired. Love you. Stay safe.
    H. & OP XO

  2. the Herman story; nice shot of him. Good to see you are getting some decent shooting weather--and some good light. I love the snow out there. Reminds me of when I lived out in Alberta.
    Bet you wished there was two of "you" armed with a camera!
